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For purchasing regular products, 10% are always donated to various donation organizations. When you buy a Fundraiser product, even 100% (minus expenses) are getting donated!

They are a civilian aid organization from Stuttgart (Germany), with a network of volunteers, partners and sponsors who work where help is needed most. Their goal ist to bringing self-determination, dignity and security to all people and making them able to shape their future sustainably by themselves. I have already volunteered there myself packing supplies for ukraine.


instagram: @stelp_supporter_on_site

“Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) cares for people affected by conflict, disease outbreaks, natural and human-made disasters, and exclusion from health care in more than 70 countries.”

For my Palestine / Gaza fundraiser I send them money especially targeted to the teams who are working in those areas.


“Free Russia Foundation is an international organization that campaigns against the current Russian leadership and for a democratic Russia, freeing political kremel prisoners and
similar things.”


instagram: @freerussia_eng

Since its foundation in 1972, the DGS has set itself the task of no longer leaving people at risk of suicide to their own devices and to the exclusionary prejudices of their environment. The DGS aims to make a lasting contribution to a better understanding of the phenomena of suicidal behavior and suicide and to find realistic approaches for effective suicide prevention and crisis intervention.


“Miracle Foundation is working towards eliminating the need for orphanages globally by uniting children with families – always preferring kinship care over institutions and preventing children from entering the orphanage system in the first place.”


The bff is the federal association of women’s counseling centers and women’s shelters in Germany.

More than 210 women’s helplines and women’s counseling centers are members of the bff. They provide the majority of outpatient counseling and assistance for female victims of violence in Germany.

Through public relations work and campaigns, we outlaw violence against women and girls and, as an umbrella organization, have a significant influence on political decisions.

The bff organizes seminars and conferences, disseminates expertise from practice and research and develops information materials on the topic of violence against women.


Ukraine Alive helps with IDPs, Rehabilitation of children of war, legal assistance and psychological assistance.

instagram: @ukraine_alive_2022

Livyj Bereh is an organization that builds roofs in places which were damaged by war, distributes food in the war zones to civilians and support the soldiers with warm things.


instagram: @livyj_bereh

“Bridges to Prosperity envisions a world where poverty caused by rural isolation no longer exists. Rural isolation is a root cause of poverty, and we believe that connection is the foundation to opportunity. We build bridges to better lives in rural communities. With a sophisticated data collection and evaluation program, we’re able to prove that the value and impact of our work is sustained long after the opening celebration.”


“Skate-aid stands for a holistic, self-determined approach to the support of young people in the context of youth aid, sport, culture and international understanding. Our Mission: We empower kids! Since Titus Dittmann founded skate-aid in2009, we use the pedagogical power of skateboarding in our worldwide projects. It gives kids and teenagers orientation and identity-creating freedom in their orientation phase and helps them to develop into strong individuals based on self-determination and intrinsic motivation. Thus, skate-aid provides sustainable socialization, prevention and peace work, where social injustices and difficult living conditions endanger young people and inhibit their development.”


Hardcore Help Foundation gUG (HHF) is a Lüdenscheid-based Non-Profit-Organisation founded in 2011 that works with community-based organizations to help disadvantaged and marginalized people. The objective of the non-profit company is to fight poverty and promote civic engagement through social, medical and economic measures.

